WARNING: This blog is intended for mature readers only. It's contents include adult themes such as sexuality, homosexuality, rape and violence, which may be inappropriate or offensive for some viewers.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Spell For Raising the Dead

A child's tombstone in the historic mining town of Bodie, California/ Photo by the author

Come, o voice I have loved
Let me hear you again
For I am the worthy listener
Clad in the dawn
Possessor of the spectral light

Come, fine notes
Heralding the rising sun
Warming your bones
Surpassing the cold earth
Slumber, I will have no more of you

When the swallows return
When the conversation of morning
Puts a swift end to silence
Music unbound, I am your composer
Lover in my youth, hear again
The music my heart has woven

Come, flesh
Renew your vigor
Let me touch you
With the quickly approaching
Jasmine, whose dew-embraced petals
Caress my nose
Whose senses are alive
Beneath my hard moving body
I summon you to please
To touch
To invigorate

Your renewal is felt by the bees
Returning to gather
By the sun
Enticed to shed its grace
By the earth
Clad in green stems
And wild carpets of lavender
By this lover
Whose skin, both hard and soft,
Is waiting to be filled

Come, sun
Come fragrant morning light
And dappled mountains
Rising with tender illumination
Whose shadows are long departing
I summon your resilience
Your strength
As the power of arms
Encircling the resurrected child
Of the sun

Come, lips
On a silent morning
You break the stillness
Of my heart
Because silence is momentary
But you are an infinite melody
Harmonizing on the dawn's northern breeze

There in the north
Your voice is quick
Like the sails of ships

Your face in the east
Tied to the glory
Of the rising sun

Come, dew
Falling on my thighs
Dappling my navel
Stroking my back
Opening my lips
Kissing, kissing
Setting fire to the secret places
Of my heart's desire
You know no rest
In the confines of the earth's

You know no solitude
No gestation
No confinement
I will not have you
For my passions are quick
Lit by a flame of Eternal source
And impotence, I know not your name
Nor feel you in my blood

Come, youth
Softness again
A rosy light flushing
Skin soft to the touch
Upon whose sentiment
My tender touches play
I cannot abide you
To languish in the earth

For the sun refuses
To set forever
And he knows
His return is imminent

I will capture
His illumination
On my face
My eyes will blaze
In the splendor
Of an eastern fire

Sleep, I deny you
Rest, you are unknown to the excitement
Coursing through my hungry veins
Earth, I alight
Upon your weary mountains
Injecting new vigor
Red hot touches
From the tips of my fingers
Lips that speak in melodies
I am your benefactor

Come back, o beauty mine
I receive you
As the earth has received you
But heaven cannot have you
Earth cannot hold you
Nor gods possess your soul
As I do now

Come, and listen
Lover of my youth
Hear again
The music my heart has woven

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