WARNING: This blog is intended for mature readers only. It's contents include adult themes such as sexuality, homosexuality, rape and violence, which may be inappropriate or offensive for some viewers.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

What Do You Care For?

A cold Winter evening falls on the Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah/ Photo by the author

A blue veil
Clings to the hot mountains
Your silence unnerves me
Carries me back to an ancient time
Before language divided us

I search the scattered clouds
For answers to my plight
What wandering spirits
Will come when invited
I would rather lose myself
In loneliness
Than be reminded by
Their solemn touch

I parted that veil
To look beyond the ridge
Of fallen twilight
Gathering droplets
Of fragile dew
On my fingertips

Your navel excited my tongue
When found
Your flesh invited me in
To swim in the clouds
Without regrets
How I wish you had invited me
To stay indefinitely

When called
I risked all
As I always do
The sacrifice justified
By the infinite pleasure
Conjoined in your heart
The radiant amber light
A high plateau
Crowned by a sunlit summit

Why should I go down again
Only to be deflated?
These heights of yours
So exquisitely constructed
Will endure on my lips
Long after the moment of you

But what do you care
For a poem
A naked heart
Two hands open in desire
Two legs entwined like tendrils
In a verdant field
What do you care
For the one thing
You can never fully possess?

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