WARNING: This blog is intended for mature readers only. It's contents include adult themes such as sexuality, homosexuality, rape and violence, which may be inappropriate or offensive for some viewers.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Someone Walked On My Grave

Distant footsteps
Echo in my heart
From far away places
I have tried to escape

But someone walked on my grave
Reminding me that Summer's
Sensuous brilliance will always be
Overtaken by Fall's jealous chill

How I tried to forget
Languishing in the tide of desire
Hiding my demons
In the dusty back of the attic closet

But someone opened the door
And peered inside
And now I am naked
In the advance of
Winter's ravaging hand

What more could I
Have done to hide?

He couldn't have recognized me,
And yet in my dreams he found me

Knock, knock, knock
Father, you opened the door
To my demons,
Letting the rampage out

I thought for sure
I was safe
In pleasure beneath the willow trees,
Spilling their sorrow in bright green
Cascades over the damp earth

But someone walked on my grave
And I recognized my mortality
In the mirror
Where once youth had promised
To hold me tight

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