WARNING: This blog is intended for mature readers only. It's contents include adult themes such as sexuality, homosexuality, rape and violence, which may be inappropriate or offensive for some viewers.

Monday, February 16, 2015

I Carried Them Away With Me

The startling beauty of the mountains west of Wendover, Nevada/ Photo by the author

(For S on your rainy day)

I am not afraid
To give everything away
For a moment, an hour, a day
When, with you, time has lost its validity
The power of the future is undone

Immortality, I can taste
The beginnings of you
Which the Ancients sought
And some found before
Their own glories collapsed

And what monuments shall you
Leave behind?
Fame, fortune, the admiration
Of the masses?
Those pale and are ephemeral too
I want none of them
Between my legs

What takes hold of my senses
Is the present field of your body heat
A light-dappled shadow
Casting its essence
Through the room

I feel as if I never lost you
Your skin was my skin
Your sorrows, my suffering to carry
And where have I carried you?
With me, with me

Sunlight gives way to invading darkness
I know you dwell there
Secrets half-revealed
I know you unveiled these, too
Did you ever reach the bottom
Of these mysteries?
I did
And I carried them with me, with me

I had a dream
When you and I were alone together
That you and I were alone together
Your fear having been lassoed
In a golden net
Your tongue was the sun
And my body the sky

You drew a map of stars
Across my trembling sky
Where I felt the Milky Way
Burst as a shower of white
Liquid light
I took you all in, all in

When we were done
I left behind me
The invisible scent of my passion
Well expended
Sun, you knew me
Moon, I will never fear you again

My arms may once have been empty
But this mythology I had written
Is now dust on an empty page
And as for your fears
Your disjointed memories
Your fine-tuned misgivings
I have carried them with me,
With me

Let the clouds gather
I laugh and defeat them
Let the desert storm take hold
On the horizon
I cast these out of my heart
Quietly you make love to me
And I take you all in, all in
But now that you have gone
I turn my back on the lacerating present
Let you all in, all in

Darkness, I call you the companion
Of my days
My days the companion of him who
Departed me
And where have I carried you?
Away with me, with me

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