WARNING: This blog is intended for mature readers only. It's contents include adult themes such as sexuality, homosexuality, rape and violence, which may be inappropriate or offensive for some viewers.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Liberation Becomes Me

Detail from "As My Father's Eye Watches Me"/ Painting in progress by the author

Death cannot capture me nor decay contain me. 
Your cage, I am unbound, and my heart is not swallowed nor ensnared by folly. 

Sunset of fire, the vault of a starry sky waits beneath the surface. 
I eat the stars. 
I eat the stars and give birth to the full moon. 

A shudder passes between my legs when moon becomes my heartbeat. 
Deb deb. Deb deb. 
That is the sound my heart makes in your hand, 
When the last drops of my blood descend into the hungry earth.

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